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Tree of Yoga Satsang

Morningstar Studio - Morning Star Studio, South Court Street, Fairfield, IA, United States

Online Sale Ended


In addition to being a description of the science of enlightenment, the classic eight limbs of Patañjali's Yoga also delineate one's sadhana (spiritual practice) schedule! Learn how the rishis would craft their days based on these timeless principles to maximize energy for realizing the Self. Learn the invaluable guidance Her Holiness Amma Sri Karunamayi has provided for practicing pranayama and meditation. Enjoy satsang (gathering of true company) with chanting and time for questions and answers with Yogeshwar. Leave fully prepared with all the tools you need to pursue your Self-Realization.


Morning Star Studio, South Court Street, Fairfield, IA, United States (Get Directions)